We all know our limits - off the top of my head, I know I can't sing, I couldn't dance to save my life, and I can't draw or paint. The sad thing is I really like art (usually classic-style paintings and sculptures), so I try and get involved with it from the outside looking in. Recently, I've started importing things from my favourite artists in England to introduce them to a new audience over here in Japan.

I feel really privileged to be classed as an official sales outlet for Jacqueline Stanhope's artwork (please click on the link to the right to read her profile), which holds great appeal for me, both in terms of subject matter and quality of execution. As far as we know, I'm the only person selling her work out here, and there's even a nice project in the pipeline aimed at the Japanese market that I'm helping with.
Being a bit like 'Scrooge' when Christmas rolls along, I tend to feel like I've had a visitation from 'The Ghost of Christmas Present' whenever the postman delivers a couple of tubes from the Stanhope family. Popping off an end cover, laying out the contents on a flat surface, then peeling back sheets of tissue paper always manages to reveal something really special...
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