The Italians are a passionate breed, which means something is really wrong when a well-loved sport looks like it's going under the axe. Yes, Italian race tracks are quiet now, as an all-out strike has been called by industry workers at all levels, with the government planning to cut funding to the racing authority.

Apparently, every race is run at a loss, and granted, in business, that doesn't make sense. But here's another way of looking at it - the sport supports 50,000 families and more than 40 tracks. As such, I'd suggest that the knock-on effect on spending around those tracks means that way more than 50,000 people are supported. Put all these folks on social security, and what has
the country gained? Tesio would turn in his grave...
Today, Jaguar (enjoying a drink here) will do some more light training ready for next weekend. Bit chilly out there, though!