You have to feel sorry for a lot of riding club members - they work all week, looking forward to a nice weekend playing with horses, and what does it do on Saturday and Sunday? It rains. And this pattern is happening all too often recently...

It doesn't really hurt me, as I can just get up from the desk whenever I feel like it for a quick break, even if it's only for a few minutes to hand over a cookie or two to Jaguar and the rest of the equine gang. As such, the bad weather has kept me indoors today - the kids have braved Nakayama, but I've decided to work, seeing as a deadline is looming and the ground at Tokoro stables will probably resemble a lake.
Once I've knocked a hole in this new book, I'll do some more pieces for the blog outside the odd news item. For today, it looks like this is as close as I'm going to get to my beloved horses.
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