Saturday, March 30, 2013

Ah, the wonders of modern technology. I must have spent a good couple of hours fighting the PC last night and this morning, trying all sorts of ways to coax it into a form of co-operation, and it still won't do what I want it to do! Computers are supposed to make life easy, right? Then why do they give us all so much hassle? It's like a 'Smart Key' on a car. You know, like all the advantages sound great, but most of the time you end up thinking what a dumb idea this is. Notwithstanding, I'm sure the problem will get sorted eventually, and I can finally get my new batch of links up and running.

In the meantime, the good side of computers - and more specifically, the internet - has been shining bright, with new visitors logging in from Singapore and the UAE in the last week or so. This takes the country count up to 53, with over 16,000 visitors in all so far. Now I have some time again, there will be a lot more articles going up (there are 17 draft pieces awaiting my attention for starters), so please stay tuned...

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