At equestrian events the world over, one generally receives a rosette for finishing in the top few places, but I've just found out that the colours vary from country to country. In Japan, it's the same as the American system, so blue for first, red for second, yellow for third, white for fourth, pink for fifth and green for sixth, although they tend to call it a ribbon here. Interestingly, the British Pony Club like to use blue for first and red for second, too, as does the Australian horse world, but with white for third, yellow for fourth and brown for fifth.
Why on Earth the various bodies can't agree on a global standard (like gold, silver and bronze medals, which are also used for the riders in Japan), I shall never know. Until then, I hope this helps clear things up a bit. Now it's time for me to rush back into the kids' rooms and fill the gaps I've just made in their collections. Hehehe...
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