Let's just get the Carrot Club stuff and of the way, and then I can concentrate on something a lot more interesting and a whole lot less annoying. Tenshinramman is on a walking machine, with thoughts of increasing the load to see if the nosebleed has stopped. Well, if it was bad enough to ship her away, I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for an all-clear.
Miracle Rouge had a wasted outing, with all her good conditioning lost overnight. Back to R&R, with a plan to race her again before summer, because, as we all know, the trainers try and avoid the summer heat. And then, guess what, it's time to start ditching them all in time for new blood to be sold. So in other words, she'll have one more shot if she's lucky. Dinner Bell has also gone on an R&R trip, although I wouldn't have bothered - my next truck journey would have been taking the animal straight to a riding club! Sophisticate is tired, despite having an easier schedule than 'Jaguar', and Belle Plage needs "a little more." This horse hasn't even appeared in photos since October 2013, making me wonder whether it actually exists any more. Same with Glint Moment - a cut and paste-style comment once every few weeks seems a good way of making money.
Courtesy Carrot Club |
Finally, Irish Harp (pictured here). Well, she's earned herself a priority rating, and the trainer is saying we saw huge progress in the last race - it should be a win next time around, especially as a more suitable race can be chosen. I would like to point out that yes, progress was made on the first dirt race, and yes, third place was her best result so far, but she was way off the pace at the end of the day. Not only that, she was half-a-second down on her losing margin in her first turf race (0.8 versus 0.3 seconds first time out). As such, I wouldn't start doing cartwheels assuming you've found the right formula - 0.8 seconds is an eternity in this sport...
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