Tomisato Success
The kids got back home with some great Dressage results to show for all their effort - Louis scored 65.7 in the A2 Class (enough for the gold medal), and Sophie got 59.2 and a silver with 'Jaguar' in the Chiba Dressage category. As usual, they competed with the adults, so these are super scores, and it's especially pleasing to see Sophie able to handle the big onry one so well - Jaguar is far from easy to ride, that's for sure. Louis should really be in the A3 Class, but with so little time with 'Orion', A2 seemed more sensible this time around. But after one of the judges gave him 70, I don't think they'll let him do it again! As for Sophie, she was beaten by a very, very experienced lady we know from Funabashi Keiba, so there is no need for her to be disappointed - scoring 59 at 11 years old on a difficult Thoroughbred with no handicap on age and no training aids is something she can be justly proud of. The picture shows Louis, Yoshimi (who was competing at pro-type levels) and Sophie with their rewards for a good day's work...
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