A magnificent third from Masterson at Brighton, having come back from a poor start in a bad gate draw and fought his way past mobile chicanes. He'd ran to a strong second place just three days earlier, of course, so he's a real fighter, much like Blacklister!
In stark contrast to Japan (where I'm paying out for 18 nags yet only five are running - and apart from Trovao, none of them well), the other Box 41 and Lord Ilsley Racing horses that have already run are all out again soon (very soon!), providing excellent sport, while Mirzam's debut is eagerly awaited. There may also be something new with Mick Channon's equipe in the wings, as well as another Ireland campaign starting soon. Watch this space.
PS. Sadly Ettie Hart's run at Leicester hasn't materialised, as the meeting was abandoned due to the ground condition. Can't be helped. Of the Carrot Club reports, full of NF marks as usual, only one is worth relaying: Infinity Love's trainer is trying different things, with him actually riding the horse to gauge its condition. It should run at the end of the month with any luck - yet again, it's the only JRA horse likely to move...
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