Sunday, October 14, 2012

Having struggled to get one stock-list completed in the Art Pages section last night (the software seems to play up constantly in this area), and even then not really to a point where I'm happy with it, as I can't edit (or rather I can't save what has been edited), I find this morning that the visitor counter has thrown a wobbly, resetting to zero and thus wiping nearly 2300 hits off the tally. This is why I'm an analogue guy!

Also spotted a beauty of a typo - for foal, I'd typed in foul on a couple of occasions in the racehorse profiles. That's what a lack of sleep does for you! In fact, the thought crossed my mind to check in the middle of the night, so I was obviously aware of the mistake subconsciously. Sorry about that, but the correction has now been made. Hopefully, no more foul-ups. And please excuse the pun...

The other bit of news is that I've decided to put a fleeting idea I had of using one of the other Tokoro horses for Louis' competition campaign for a while out of my head. It's a horse that I love (firmly on the cookie roster), and one I've secretly wanted to own for a while, but it all comes back to something I said earlier. Good friends are the hardest things on Earth to find, and I'm not going to abandon Jaguar - he's a different animal because he trusts me as his friend, and Louis and Sophie as his family and training partners. I'm not going to destroy that for an extra few points in the arena. The underdogs will remain underdogs, and we work with the team and tools we have. Period.

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