Saturday, April 18, 2015

Japan Cup Round

With a heavy workload, what amounted to an unhealthy amount of time being spent on a certain social network site, and a recent gym regime that will soon see me back to my old fighting weight, the poor blog has been rather neglected of late. Well, I'm taking a break from the networking thing, and that will enable me to dedicate some more time on this, which is not only useful for me (mainly because of the language barrier one encounters in anything that involves Japan), but also something I enjoy doing as and when the mood strikes - it's a lot less demanding than keeping up with what is happening is so many other lives, as this is something that seems to take up hours, and they're hours that I don't really have to spare.  

Yesterday, the kids were in action with 'Bugatti' in the Japan Cup at the Olympic Club in Tomisato (yes, another day off school!). Louis managed to get a very respectable 56.540 in L1, up against some real class, and Sophie got 56.221 and a blue ribbon in her category. Both can be regarded as good performances, with 'Bugatti' improving all the time. It's almost as if he gets an extra point every time he goes out - he's certainly settling down in his new role as a riding horse, even if we do still see the racer in him from time to time.

Today, Sophie got exactly the same score in the same event, although it only earned her a third place this time, as her Class was - rather oddly - combined with the one Louis was in. Notwithstanding, she will move up a category from now on, and challenges the Gymkhana Grand Prix tomorrow. She jumped with 'Bugatti' for the first time last weekend, so the finish will be a test of her will. 

As for Louis, he took advantage of a handicap that he doesn't usually take (he prefers to compete in with the adults and instructors) by entering the L1 Trial rather than the pure L1 event, and scored a huge 67.620 to take the top position. Tomorrow, he will see if 'Bugatti' is in the mood to do some gentle show-jumping...

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