The kids had a dressage clinic in the week, and Louis has another one on Monday for jumping. Partly for that, but mainly to give 'Jaguar' a break from regular training, we - both horse and humans - had some fun doing a bit of jumping this morning. If he wasn't knocking on a bit, I'd be tempted to see how far we could mount a show-jumping challenge with the big fella (he is big, by the way, it's just that Louis is huge for his age), because he obviously enjoys clearing fences a great deal. He does everything with such ease and gusto, it does make you wonder what he'd be capable of if he actually received some training in this discipline - as it is, this is just pure instinct, and probably a touch of showmanship (he fancies the little filly a couple of stalls away). Well, at least it's something he can relax doing, as there's no pressure to perform, and he knows he always gets a ton of fuss and cookies afterwards.
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