Tuesday, November 4, 2014


Today, the visitor counter for the blog, which I started in September 2012, has just clocked up the 50,000 mark, with people from more than 70 countries taking a peek. Some of what I've written may be a little controversial, but it comes from the heart. My work is judged publicly, all over the world - I don't see why others should be able to hide in an ivory tower when they're taking our money in beefy chunks. I suppose I'm too straight for my own good sometimes - if I like something, I say so, and stay more loyal than a Dobermann. By the same token, if I'm not happy, people know about it pretty soon. This may not be the Japanese way, but it's my way, and I'm too damned old and cussed to change! Thankfully, though, most of the blog's content contains happy memories - looking back on pictures of 'Jaguar' and the kids never fails to bring a warm feeling inside, for the relationship between a Thoroughbred and its owner and/or rider will always be something special. The speed with which a bond has been created with 'Bugatti' has frankly amazed me, and I look forward to reporting on his progress over the next few years - he's a superb animal.

About the only other news is that River Spirit, a charming filly, was sold last night, leaving me with nothing running in England at the moment. As soon as I post this, the 2015 UK flat season plans will be put into action! Please keep tuning in...

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