Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Having covered the JRA track at Fuchu a few days ago, today we'll take a look at the NAR facility at Oi, usually referred to as TCK, or Tokyo City Keiba.

The original opening ceremony was held in May 1950, but it wasn't until November that the first meeting took place. Three years later, Japan's first starting gate was installed at the track, with jockeys wearing helmet colours to match the stalls. May 1955 witnessed the first running of the Tokyo Derby, the jewel in the crown of NAR racing, albeit under a different name back then.

The next truly historic event came in 1986, when the first Twinkle Race was held. Such was the popularity of these night races, the running period was extended on numerous occasions, and now they're held virtually all year round, with only the months caught in the depths of winter not having them.

Tokyo MXTV started live broadcasts of all the weekday races in November 1995, and continue to do so to this day, explaining why Louis and Sophie never seem to get their homework done on time!

The huge L-Wing stand, which dominates the view in front of the paddock, was completed at the end of 2003, and contains the TCK shop. There's also a museum on the site, with all sorts of memorabilia tastefully displayed in glass cases, pictures and the bloodlines of past equine heroes and heroines, and a video library.

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